Earn Bonuses with Retro Stage | Retro Stage
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How To Get Bonus Sent Following Details To service@retro-stage.com
1. Order Number: NO.FD12345
2. Paypal Account: xxxx@xxxxx.com
3. Attachment: Review Screenshots & High-Quality Pictures


 Write A Positive Review In The Description Page Of What You Have Bought.

Note:For The Following Conditions:
Discounts Conditions
Rating Photos
15% off 5-stars With photos
10%  off 5-stars Without photos


Write A Positive Review In Any Professional Review Websites, Such As

Note:The Above Two Applies For The Following Conditions:
Discounts Conditions
Rating Characters Photos
25% off 5-stars 200+ With photos
20%  off 5-stars Without photos
15% off 5-stars 1-200 With photos
10%  off 5-stars Without photos


Write a positive review when you take a Facebook Satisfaction Survey about RetroStage (facebook randomly shows survey on your Facebook newsfeed), the first 10 customers per week will get free order and the others will get $15 back.